
group oct

The Willis Group is a synthetic organic chemistry research group, led by Professor Michael Willis, based in the Chemistry Research Laboratory at the University of Oxford. We are part of Oxford’s CDT in Synthesis for Biology & Medicine.

02/08/24   Katherine wins a prize for her poster at the ISOCS conference in Florence

26/07/24   Mingkai wins a prize for his poster at the Oxford Summer Conference

26/07/24   Katherine wins a prize for her 'flash' presentation at the Oxford Summer Conference

12/07/24   Mingkai and Dan's Pd-catalysed aryl halide sulfinamidation is online at JACS

05/07/24   Jonny and Russell's trans sulfinylation chemistry is online at Angewandte

25/06/24   Mingyan and Charlie's sulfondiimidoyl fluoride study is online at Angewandte


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